20 January 2005

Can you think better when you're typing?

Clive Thompson posited a very interesting question - Can you think better when you're typing? - yesterday in his blog, Collision Detection. Appropriate name for a blog about this topic.

Since we are glued to our computers, how many of us still write by hand?

I frame out concepts by mapping the thought process by hand with diagrams and pictures, and then fill it in with keys words and concepts. Then, I use this "picture" as my guiding structure for building the story. Clients love it - because they always have something to show people that explains the situation at a glance. Writing things out by hand helps me consolidate my thoughts. Once that is accomplished, the fingers fly across the keyboard.

Share your thoughts here...or...Cruise over to Collision Detection and add your thoughts to the others...they are worth a read.

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