15 May 2010

Here's where you can follow Space Shuttle Atlantis' last mission online

Because I am such a fan and this final adventure for Atlantis closes 25 years of historical space exploration, I have taken the liberty of copying Tim Conneally's complete article posting from betanews.com with all pertinent links below. Follow the Atlantis over the next 11 days. 


"Here's where you can follow Space Shuttle Atlantis' last mission online

By Tim Conneally | Published May 14, 2010, 11:32 AM

Space Shuttle Atlantis' final mission...via Twitpic

NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled end its 25-year career with one final trip into space today. The shuttle will be manned by six astronauts and is expected to be in flight for twelve days. The STS-132 mission is to deliver equipment to the International Space Station which includes a Russian Mini-Research Module, a set of batteries for the station's truss and dish antenna, and other replacement parts.

However, the launch takes place today at 2:20pm EST, a time when most of the United States is at work.

Fortunately, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is making it very easy to follow the action online. NASA isbroadcasting the event live on its website, and is running a launch blog which provides frequent updates on the status of the launch.

Additionally, some excellent information can be found on both NASA and the Kennedy Space Center's Twitter feeds at @NASA@NASAKennedy(the above picture was a TwitPic from Kennedy.)

Other useful twitter profiles to follow today are@NASA_Astronauts, and @nasatweetup."

Again, the above article was written and published by Tim Conneally for www.betanews.com

Posted via email from colby pre-posterous

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