9 January 2007

The Big Question for 2007 from Edge

To celebrate their 10th anniversary (December 1996) Edge asks the 2007 Edge Annual Question:

John Brockman, Publisher & Editor of Edge, says:
"While conventional wisdom tells us that things are bad and getting worse, scientists and the science-minded among us see good news in the coming years. That's the bottom line of an outburst of high-powered optimism gathered from the world-class scientists and thinkers who frequent the pages of Edge, in an ongoing conversation among third culture thinkers (i.e., those scientists and other thinkers in the empirical world who, through their work and expository writing, are taking the place of the traditional intellectual in rendering visible the deeper meanings of our lives, redefining who and what we are.)"

Read all 160 contributions for real inspiration.

So, what are you optimistic about this year?

I see positive movement toward taking responsibility for building a globaL socio-economic environment based on a full value stream - human capital, social capital, creative capital and transactional capital. One indicator is how discussions about global warming translate immediately into activities to reduce our carbon footprint by creating carbon credits. Another is a movement away from manufactured product driven business models into idea generated business models, which include social responsibility and ethical behavior into their value frameworks.

What do you see as optimistic indicators?

Last year, I responded to John Brockman's question in Edge's edition 175 from January 5, 2006 - What's your dangerous idea? My dangerous idea got a mention by a radio station in Boston in their Blogger RoundUp.

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