Innovation practices integrating business & brand with meaning & purpose – evolutionary culture emerging through collaboration & creativity - connecting value streams in branded identity networks - physics & consciousness
26 November 2010
Ultrathin alternative to silicon for future electronics
23 November 2010
Posting this 35,000 feet in the air - free Gogo wifi on plane through generous Google Chrome deal with Delta
20 November 2010
19 November 2010
USC to launch social technology lab
USC to launch social-technology laboratory
The Annenberg Innovation Lab would bring together professors and students from cinema, media, engineering and other programs to design software prototypes for emerging medias.
USC is starting a social-technology laboratory with a focus on the segments of digital culture that are expected to bring in the big bucks.
18 November 2010
How video games stretch the limits of our visual attention in a positive way
How video games stretch the limits of our visual attention in a positive way
November 18, 2010They are often accused of being distracting, but recent research has found that action packed video games like Halo and Call of Duty can enhance visual attention, the ability that allows us to focus on relevant visual information. This growing body of research, reviewed in WIREs Cognitive Science, suggests that action based games could be used to improve military training, educational approaches, and certain visual deficits.
5 November 2010
Impact Earth 'Catastrophe calculator' updated
Scientists release an improved version of the web program that estimates the scale of disaster following an asteroid or comet impact.
Hologram messaging coming of age
Scientists demonstrate a system to "print" holographic images at a remote location and update them every two seconds.