4 February 2009

EnlightenNext - Magazine for Evolutionaries

"EnlightenNext - The Magazine for Evolutionaries" is sharing a digital version of its December 2008-February 2009 edition. Definitely worth a read for inspiration and to provoke some new thinking on evolutionary processes.

Their own description of the magazine: "Through in-depth interviews and insightful cultural analysis, EnlightenNext offers new ways of thinking about ourselves, our world, and the future we are here to create."

After you read it, ask yourself "What did it awaken in me?"

3 February 2009

A Deep Breath, A Fresh Beginning

I'm sitting here enjoying a cup of tea. The installer has just moved the telephone line from the old studio to my flat - a temporary solution until I find a new work studio. It's quiet, and I feel relaxed and reflective.

What a change from this upheaval of 2 months of moving out of our work space. We've unloaded so much "stuff" that no longer served a purpose in our lives or our way of working. It creates more space - to think, to do, to create.

Creative Awareness

I want to do for myself and my business partner what we've been doing for clients for years - re-purpose and re-launch our brand. When you've been in the creative industry of communication, advertising and media for 30+ years, you need a fresh look at the world and your role in it. We want Quantum Brands BV to have real meaning for our clients - and to create more virtual work and learning environments. We want to build on the values that have meaning for us: creativity, adventure, wisdom, joy, passion.

creative weird type poster Mark Andrew Webber
poster www.MarkAndrewWebber.com

Today, I am making a list of things I really enjoy doing. ( I already have that list of things I never want to do again.)

I am also reading through the blogs I've aggregated in Bloglines with pleasure - seeing what catches my eye and my interest. What's hot? What's not?

Though I will continue to dedicate much of my time to Kids 2020 Foundation, I need to discover the kind of work that gratifies the soul of my creativity. Without that, how I can expect myself to inspire others?

What are you doing that really awakens your creativity and brings you to life? Take a deep breath...and...