18 November 2006

Responsible Investment

During the Eco6 conference on SRI, I finally got face-to-face time with many people that had only been names to me. Since then, I have been working with a several people to develop another conference under the banner of the Planet 2025 Network. Planet 2025 is organizing The Responsible Investment Forum to engage delegates in defining benchmarks for responsible investment.

When it comes to social responsibility and money, the real problems we are trying to address are complex. We have been engaged in political polemics instead of resolution-based dialogue about sustainability. In order to change the polemics, we need to work with the contradictions between the economics of competition and our social responsibility to sustainable development for human life.

Reading through the Stern Review final report on The Economics of Climate Change, understanding the workings of adaptation will be key to finding the devices that will set business and public administration on to the path of setting real targets.
The Economics of Climate Change

What are the real impacts of setting attainable targets and adhering to the processes of attaining them?

Download the Principles for Responsible Investment Overview
The PRI overview contains background on the Principles, the 6 Principles -- with their possible actions for signatories -- and an extensive FAQ. How do we take these principles and use them to guide our behavior and make better choices? A sustainable future can also be prosperous.

6 November 2006

State of the Blogosphere from Technorati

Dave Sifry, the CEO of Technorati, posted the State of the Blogosphere, on the Technorati weblog today.

"In Summary:

* Technorati is now tracking more than 57 Million blogs.
* Spam-, splog- and sping-fighting efforts at Technorati are paying dividends in terms of the reduction of garbage in our indexes, even if it does seem to impact overall growth rates.
* Today, the blogosphere is doubling in size approximately every 230 days.
* About 100,000 new weblogs were created each day, again down slightly quarter-over-quarter but probably due in part to spam fighting efforts.
* About 4% of new splogs get past Technorati's filters, even if it is only for a few hours or days.
* There is a strong correlation between the aging and post frequency of blogs and their authority and Technorati ranking.
* The globalization of the blogosphere continues. Our data appears to show both English and Spanish languages are a more universal blog language than the other two most dominant language, Japanese and Chinese, which seem to be more regionally localized.
* Coincident with a rise in blog posts about escalating Middle East tensions throughout the summer and fall, Farsi has moved into the top 10 languages of the blogosphere, indicating that blogging continues to play a critical role in debates about the important issues of our times."

The Geek Test v.3.1

The geek test v.3.1 was rather scary. Someone sent it to me - (thanks for making that point!) - for fun.

As I scrolled through the list, I became more and more aware that there is a large gap between being techno-saavvy and being techno-challenged. To the techno-challenged, I guess we are "geeks". Does it have to sound so nerdy?
innergeek logo
Take the geek test v.3.1, and let me know where you stand.